Shops Without Shopkeepers in Mizoram

With its endless variety of landscape, Mizoram is like an inventory loaded with beauty and serenity. With Bangladesh as its neighbour and rich fauna and flora, the state is a pile of treasure for tourists and locals alike. With the streams and the landscapes and the wonderful waterfalls to be seen around the place, the people here are accustomed to the frequent visits of the tourists not only from India but also from abroad.

shops in mizoram

Mizo people are one of the humblest clan existing today. They are renowned for their hospitality, and one will never be disappointed with the love and affection that they will show. On meeting the first group of Mizos here, warmth will seep into the soul thanks to their wonderful welcome smiles. Their attitude carry a rather serene and placid approach which is very hard to ignore. 'Tlawmngaihna' is an untranslatable term which actually means to be always kind, hospitable, unselfish and helpful to others. One can never witness any discrimination in this state amongst the people whether it be on the basis of caste and creed or sex.

A very astonishing thing one will discover in this state of tranquility are its shops. Mizoram has shops where price listpeople go to buy things and yet they need not meet any shopkeeper! Well, weird thing to learn but yes, there exists such a place in this world where one can sell and buy things without a shopkeeper! These shops are known as 'Nghah lou dawr' shop which are available along the highway in Mizoram, around 65 kms. away from its capital Aizawl and this is a common sight to be seen throughout the entire road.

It is rather a very astonishing sight to witness for one could see vegetables, fruits, flowers and other grocery items which are laid throughout the highway sides for buyers to buy. These items are wonderfully placed in order and a rate card hung beside the items with the cost being displayed. People were seen going through these items nonchalantly and then grabbing whatever they need, packing them in their bags and then paying the money in certain bottles or boxes lying beside the items.One is bound to stay spellbound by seeing that this level of honesty and virtue even managed to survive in the present contemporary world. There was not a single shopkeeper to be seen and neither any watchman to look after the things yet no one stole or cheated.

money box mizoram

The owners of these shops sell whatever comes their way from forests and mountains since all fruits and vegetables are not available all round the year. These shops are examples of present day honesty and faith amongst each other.

A great salute to Mizoram for keeping alive such a wonderful practice in their culture.

Also Read: Shopping in Mizoram

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